I am a Head of Mathematics (Curriculum Leader in TLR speak) in a largeish (1200) comprehensive. I have a team of nine other maths teachers, ranging from a 2nd year teacher, to a 33rd yr teacher! One is a member of SLT, and 4 are part time (including my wife). The school is a language college and a training school (both of which create many oppurtunities) and has satisfactory attainement with good progress (apologies for OfSted speak, but this is likely to be an ofsted yr for us).
I've been teaching since 1996, and as well as being CL Maths, I also write the timetable, and have responsibility for staffing and curriculum design (with various members of SLT).
I do have a life outside of school. I created our 'Payday Curry Club', which does what it says on the tin - an excuse for a group of us to go out monthly and try not to talk shop. I also have a family life - with 3 young daughters (approaching ages 5,7,9 as we approach 2010). This means that almost all of my work is done in evenings, so late ones abound.
I'm on Twitter, I'm @Chris_1974, so feel free to look there too.
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