Sunday, 3 January 2010

I've sort of been blogging for years...

I've only just realised I've been writing a blog for some time, but never realised it. Let me explain...

I'm in my 9th year at my current school, having been originally appointed as 2nd in Maths. At that time my wife was part time at another local school, and a common complaint was that she felt she didn't always know what was going on in the department. At that point I realised there was a danger that all of the team of which I was a part of could be kept better informed.

That was the birth of the "Monday Morning Maths Memo". Shortened to M4 to save space on the paper, and generally called "Maths Notes", or even just "Notes".

It has a very similar layout week to week, with diary dates, meeting agendas for the week (Monday is our meeting day, so that works quite well), and a few key points, for example in the run up to KS4 modules it will have a bit about the admin for the day, or whatever. I upload it to our VLE on Sunday night, so any part timers not in Mondays can read it before their first day of the week if they want to.SLT get a copy too, so they know what we are doing / talking about, as do the TA's linked to the department and our department admin support.

What I've also tried to do, however, is share some of my ethos or ideas through notes. Some of the time it will be a blatant (but always accredited) copy and paste from the NCETM's Mathemapedia, or other places (don't worry - I'll ask before I pinch any of your blogs). Some of the time it'll be based on something I've read, or seen, or an idea. What it boils down to is that I have been writing something that could be called a blog (except that its not online).

I'd recommend all #newleaders start something like this; it's a good way of bringing a new team with you.

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